외국인 유학생 공인어학성적 지원사업 신청 (Application for a project to support official language grades for international students)
- 글번호
- 397020
- 작성일
- 2024-11-08
- 수정일
- 2024-11-26
- 작성자
- 국제교육지원팀 (032-835-9580)
- 조회수
- 406
2024-2학기 외국인 유학생 공인어학성적 지원사업 신청에 대해 안내드립니다.
해당되는 유학생들은 아래 내용을 참고하여 신청해주세요.
❍ 지원대상: 학부생 및 대학원생(※교환학생 제외)
대상 |
입학트랙 |
제출서류 |
비고 |
한국어트랙 |
영어트랙 |
학부생 |
TOPIK 4급이상 및 *기준 어학성적 증명자 |
1.지원금 신청서 2.공인어학성적 증명서 3.본인명의 통장사본 |
재학 중 1회 지급 |
대학원생 |
× |
* 영어트랙 기준 어학성적(영어트랙 입학자만 가능): TOFLE 530, CBT 197, IBT 71, IELTS 5.5, CEFR B2, TEPS 600(NEW TEPS 326) 이상 취득
❍ 신청자격: 외국인 유학생 2024학년도「성폭력예방교육」, 2024년 2학기 「한국법령이해교육」 이수자
※ 아직 2024학년도 유학생 법정교육을 이수하지 않은 학생은 인천대 portal → 이러닝(http://cyber.inu.ac.kr) 자율강좌에서 해당 교육을 수강한 후 신청해주세요.
❍ 접수기간: 2024. 11. 11.(월) ~ 11. 29.(금) [3주]
❍ 지 원 금: 1인당 금100,000원(재학 중 1회 지급)
❍ 선발인원: 39명 이내
❍ 선발기준: 신청 인원이 많을 경우 선착순으로 선발
❍ 접수방법: 국제교육지원팀 이메일(isc@inu.ac.kr) 접수
❍ 제출서류: 지원신청서, 공인어학성적 증명서, 본인명의 통장사본
붙임 1. 지원신청서 1부.
2. 유학생 법정교육 이수방법 1부. 끝.
[Application for a Project to Support Official Language Grades for International Students]
We are providing information on the application for the 2024-2 Semester Official Language Score Support Project.
International students who are eligible should refer to the information below and apply.
❍ Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students (※ Exchange students are excluded)
Category |
Admission Track |
Required Documents |
Notes |
Korean Track |
English Track |
Undergraduate Student |
TOPIK Level 4 or higher (TOPIK IBT) |
TOPIK Level 4 or higher and *Certified language test scores |
1. Application Form 2. Official Language Test Certificate 3. Copy of Bank Account (in applicant's name) |
Payment once while attending school |
Graduate Students |
X |
* English Track Language Score Requirements (only for English Track): TOEFL 530, CBT 197, IBT 71, IELTS 5.5, CEFR B2, TEPS 600 (NEW TEPS 326) or higher
❍ Eligibility for Application: International students who have completed the 2024 academic year "Sexual Violence Prevention Education" and the "2024-2 Semester Korean Law Understanding Education." ※ Students who have not completed the 2024 mandatory foreign student education should take the relevant course on the Incheon University portal (e-learning: http://cyber.inu.ac.kr) before applying.
❍ Application Period: November 11 (Mon) – November 29 (Fri), 2024 [3 weeks]
❍ Support Amount: 100,000 KRW per person (Payment once while attending school)
❍ Number of Applicants to be Selected: A maximum of 39 students
❍ Selection Criteria: If the number of applicants exceeds the available spots, selection will be based on a first-come, first-served basis.
❍ How to Apply: Applications should be submitted by email to the International Education Support Team (isc@inu.ac.kr).
❍ Required Documents: Application Form, Official Language Score Certificate, Copy of Bank Account (in applicant's name)
- Attachment:
1.Application Form
2. How to Complete the Mandatory Education for International Students.