

원자력안전공학, 열유체공학
원자력공학개론, 원자력안전공학, 에너지안전공학, 신뢰성공학, 재난위험성평가

2005.02.25 서울대학교  (공학박사)

2000.02.26 서울대학교  (공학석사)

1998.02.26 서울대학교  (공학사)




Helical airfoil corrugated tubes: A numerical comparison with common corrugated profiles and geometrical optimization by multi-objective algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , 제225권(집) , 2024.06.15

Enhancing the vertical downward condensation heat transfer of a plate heat exchanger by electrochemical etching, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , 제225권(집) , 제8호 , 2024.06.01

Analysis of control rod driving mechanism nozzle rupture with loss of safety injection at the ATLAS experimental facility using MARS-KS and TRACE, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 제56권(집) , 제6호 , PP.2002~2010 , 2024.06.01

Improvement of crossflow model of MULTID component in MARS-KS with inter-channel mixing model for enhancing analysis performance in rod bundle, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 제55권(집) , 제12호 , PP.4357~4366 , 2023.12.01

NUMERICAL EXPERIMENT TO EVALUATING TWO-SIDED TOLERANCE LIMIT FOR SAFETY ANALYSIS, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 제18권(집) , 제18호 , PP.2075~2079 , 2023.11.30

Analysis of LBLOCA of APR1400 with 3D RPV model using TRACE, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 제55권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1651~1664 , 2023.05.01

Analysis of 4-inch cold leg top-slot break LOCA in ATLAS experimental facility using MARS-KS, KERNTECHNIK , 제88권(집) , 제3호 , PP.316~325 , 2023.03.17

Numerical study on novel airfoil corrugated plate heat exchanger: A comparison with commercial type and geometrical parameter analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , 제195권(집) , 2022.10.01

Highly improved mechanical and thermal properties of alkali silicate and graphene nanoplatelet composite adhesives, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , 제110권(집) , PP.102942~ , 2021.10.01

MARS-KS 코드를 사용한 ATLAS 실험장치의 MSGTR-PAFS 사고 분석, 한국안전학회지 , 제36권(집) , 제3호 , PP.74~80 , 2021.06.30

Influence of Two-Phase Crossflow for Void Prediction in Bundles Using Thermal-Hydraulic System Codes dagger, Energies , 제13권(집) , 제14호 , 2020.07.17

Numerical Experiments on Order Statistics Method based on Wilks' Formula for Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty Methodology, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT , 제235권(집) , PP.28~33 , 2019.04.01

Predictability of safety analysis codes for departure from nucleate boiling in bundle for safety evaluation of massive hydrogen production systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 제44권(집) , 제11호 , PP.5650~5659 , 2019.02.26

Assessment of void fraction predictability of system codes in subchannels, KERNTECHNIK , 제83권(집) , 제5호 , PP.414~425 , 2018.10.01

Frontier between medium and large break loss-of-coolant accidents of pressurized water reactor, Desalination and Water Treatment , 제110권(집) , PP.355~361 , 2018.04.01

Analysis of double-ended guillotine break at a direct vessel Injection line of ATLAS, KERNTECHNIK , 제83권(집) , 제1호 , PP.4~14 , 2018.03.19

Feasibility Study of Condensation Heat Exchanger with Helical Tubes for a Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , 제12권(집) , 제6호 , PP.940~944 , 2017.04.21

Development of effective thermal conductivity models for Reserve Shutdown Control fuel block of prismatic HTGR for hydrogen production, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 제42권(집) , PP.18614~18625 , 2017.04.18

Application of Dynamic Probabilistic Safety Assessment Approach for Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis: Case Study for Steam Generator Tube Rupture, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 제49권(집) , 제2호 , PP.306~312 , 2017.03.30

Analysis of errors of commission for a CE type plant with the advanced control room in the full power condition, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제105권(집) , PP.184~195 , 2017.03.15

Extending SBO coping capability: An improved auxiliary feedwater system, PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제95권(집) , PP.40~47 , 2016.11.18

A dynamic event tree informed approach to probabilistic accidentsequence modeling: Dynamics and variabilities in medium LOCA, RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY , 제142권(집) , PP.78~91 , 2015.05.05

Verification of SAMG entry condition for APR1400, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제75권(집) , PP.404~412 , 2015.01.01

Post-test thermal-hydraulic analysis of two intermediate LOCA tests at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN , 제264권(집) , PP.153~160 , 2013.11.01

Improvement of core effective thermal conductivity model of GAMMA plus code based on CFD analysis, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제59권(집) , PP.159~168 , 2013.09.01

Effect of longitudinal pitch on convective heat transfer in crossflow overin-line tube banks, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제57권(집) , PP.209~215 , 2013.07.01

Quantitative evaluation of change in core damage frequency by postulatedpower uprate: Medium-break loss-of-coolant-accidents, ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY , 제47권(집) , PP.69~80 , 2012.12.01

Thermal-hydraulic analysis of an intermediate LOCA test at the ROSA facilityincluding uncertainty evaluation, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN , 제249권(집) , PP.97~103 , 2012.08.01

Analysis of Void Fraction Distribution and Departure fromNucleate Boiling in Single Subchannel and Bundle GeometriesUsing Subchannel, System, and ComputationalFluid Dynamics Codes, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations , 제2012권(집) , 2012.07.20