Find the Answer for Future English Education: National Incheon National University Corpus Research Center, organized by the Korean Association of Secondary English Education, Winter Seminar

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2025 한국중등영어교육학회 동계학술세미나 2025년 1월 11일(토) 오후 1시 서울대학교 사범대학 12동 502호 주최:한국중등영어교육학회 주관: 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 협력:한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 발표자소개 Prof.Andrew Moody University of Macau  소영순교수 서울대학교 Prof.Jake Kimball Semyung University 이준규교수 한국외국어대학교 남보라교수 경인교육대학교 정채관교수 국립인천대학교

The National Incheon National University (President Park Jong-tae) Corpus Research Institute will hold a winter academic seminar at Seoul National University's College of Education on January 11, 2025 (Saturday) with the Korean Association of Secondary English Education (Chairman Chung Chae-kwan). The academic seminar will focus on "Enhancing Teacher Competency for Future English Education" and minimizing confusion in the school field due to the 2022 revised English language curriculum and the introduction of English AI digital textbooks, which will take effect from March 2025, and seeking effective alternatives.

Founded in 2020, Incheon National University Corpus Research Center is leading research on the educational use of language data and artificial intelligence, and the Korean Society for Secondary English Education has played a central role in researching secondary English education and exchanging academic information, contributing to the development of English education in Korea by publishing the KCI-listed journal of the Korea Research Foundation. The cooperation between the two institutions is crucial in supporting changes in the English education field and enhancing teachers professionalism. 

This academic seminar will be attended by world-class scholars and domestic experts as speakers. The main presenters are Professor Andrew Moody (Makau University), Professor So Young-soon (Seoul National University), Professor Lee Joon-kyu (Korea University of Foreign Studies), and Professor Nam Bo-ra (Kyungin University of Education), and Lee Yoon-hee, a student from the Department of English Language and Literature at Incheon National University, will also participate in the presentation to present educational ideas and strategies that can be practically used by teachers and prospective teachers, and provide concrete insights on how AI technology can be integrated into English education.

This academic seminar is expected to provide new insights and practical tools to teachers and prospective teachers in line with the rapidly changing English education environment. Through this seminar, the Corpus Research Institute is focusing on providing a place for teachers to actively respond to changes and present a new vision for English education. More information related to the seminar can be found on the Corpus Research Institute's academic conference website ( .

2025한국중등영어교육학회 동계 학술 세미나 프로그램 내용

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