Visiting Incheon National University, a company affiliated with the Iranian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and conducting special lectures

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

이란 상공회의소 소속 기업인 인천대학교 방문 및 특강

Iranian Chamber of Commerce's Corporate Delegation Visits Incheon National University

On Dec. 16, about 10 business delegations from the Iranian Chamber of Commerce visited Incheon National University. This is the second time following last August that the visit was made as part of a tour of advanced cultures. The delegation planned a tour to experience and learn firsthand the status of Incheon National University, which is also well-known in the Middle East.

The visit is a key program in the schedule, which runs from Dec. 11-18, 2024, and includes a tour of Hyundai Motor's Ulsan plant, a symbol of modernization in Korea, and a visit to Incheon National University, which leads education in Korea in the future.

The Iranian delegation experienced the university's excellent facilities by touring Incheon National University's campus observatory, Irumgwan, and the business department's classroom. After the tour, they took a special lecture on marketing, a lecture on management strategies, and advanced management strategies conducted by professors Kim Young-kyun and Park Hyun-joon of the business department.

After the special lecture, we exchanged opinions through free question-and-answer sessions with professors in charge of lectures and expressed deep appreciation for the educational experience gained through field trips and special lectures. The delegation wished Incheon National University's continued development and asked for interest in exchanges and cooperation with Iranian universities in the future.

Meanwhile, this advanced tour program, organized by the Iranian Small and Medium Business Administration, is a representative event held every three months and aims to strengthen the international capabilities of SMEs.

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