[Life guidance] A Guide to Dormitory Fire Evacuation Training for the 1st Semester of 2024

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생활원 (032-835-9810)

2024학년도 1학기 소방화재대피훈련을 아래와 같이 알립니다.

매년 2(1/2학기)해야하는 의무교육이기에 학생여러분은 이수를 하셔야합니다.

We inform you of the fire and fire evacuation training for the first semester of 2024 as follows.

It is compulsory education twice a year (1/2 semester), so students must complete it.


▶ 관련 근거 공공기관의 소방안전 관리에 관한 규정」 14(소방훈련과 교육)

▶ Related grounds: Article 14 of the Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Public Institutions (Firefighting Training and Education)

▶ 대상자 1,2,3기숙사에 거주하는 모든 학생

▶ Subject: All students residing in the first, second, and third dormitories

▶ 기간 : 2024년 03월 22() ~ 03월 25() / 이러닝 시스템 진행

▶ Period: March 22, 2024 (Fri) ~ March 25 (Mon) / E-learning system will be held

▶ 접속방법 이러닝 시스템-자율강좌- 2024년 1학기 소방대피훈련 및 지진대피훈련-비밀번호(9778) 접속 후 수강(모든 과목 출석을 완료해야 출석 인정)

▶ How to access: E-learning system-self-lecture-fire and earthquake evacuation training in the first semester of 2024 - After accessing the password (9778) (attendance is recognized only when all subjects are completed)


▶ 5개 강좌 모두 수강해야 출석 인정됨(모든 강의 90프로 수강해야 출석 인정됨)

▶ Attendance is recognized only when all five courses are taken

    (all courses must be taken 90 percent)

▶ 미 수강 시 벌점 2점 부과

▶ 2 penalty points for non-takers
